Thursday 29 November 2018

Pasiano's Polyclub L.S

Polyclub Learning Story

 No matter how far you go in life never forget where you came from you can't change who you are

In polyclub I am good at having lots of energy so I can do sharp actions and represent my culture because I am glad to have a culture like what I have and a family who accepts the language our family is from.

When I am doing polyclub I think about my family and what they have taught me to represent my Samoan culture. I love every single bit about how my family teaches me Samoan and does special moments about our family e.g (Funerals,weddings and farewells).

Something I need to work on in polyfest is following what my passion is and believing in what's right because all the years I have been alive my parents always believe in their culture and what's right.

As we are dancing I recognize some of the dance moves (some that I learn from my parents and some I learned from special family events). When I started polyclub in 2015 that was my first time I had ever tried but I wasn't worried because my family was teaching me some Samoan dances.

 Zion’s feedback
You are good at dancing and helping Nash with the other groups because you want to be a helpful and respectful person.
You need to work on not yelling out when you are trying to learn new move because it makes Nash angry and unhappy

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