Something I was good at this year was working well with others because in a group I share my clever thinking and I take risks by friendly arguing.
I am a successful learner because I share my clever ideas and take a risk.
A goal that I achieved this year was being able to work well with others. I achieved it by taking a risk because to be honest. I only like to work with my friends.
I help my class be a fun and safe place by working well with them and sharing my ideas with them.
I need to stop getting distracted and get on with my work because it will make it easier in college.
The school job I have handled this year is giving out the lunches and taking the lunchbox back. And I do my job well.
The key competency I need to work on is managing self towards my work because it would help at college. I think I will do this by not sitting near my friends and not getting distracted.
The learning I like to do most at school is inquiry because you discuss and plan about what your passion is
The learning I find hard is maths because sometimes I give up and I get distracted.Next year I need to work on focusing on my work because I could change for college.
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