Thursday 29 November 2018

Pasiano's Polyclub L.S

Polyclub Learning Story

 No matter how far you go in life never forget where you came from you can't change who you are

In polyclub I am good at having lots of energy so I can do sharp actions and represent my culture because I am glad to have a culture like what I have and a family who accepts the language our family is from.

When I am doing polyclub I think about my family and what they have taught me to represent my Samoan culture. I love every single bit about how my family teaches me Samoan and does special moments about our family e.g (Funerals,weddings and farewells).

Something I need to work on in polyfest is following what my passion is and believing in what's right because all the years I have been alive my parents always believe in their culture and what's right.

As we are dancing I recognize some of the dance moves (some that I learn from my parents and some I learned from special family events). When I started polyclub in 2015 that was my first time I had ever tried but I wasn't worried because my family was teaching me some Samoan dances.

 Zion’s feedback
You are good at dancing and helping Nash with the other groups because you want to be a helpful and respectful person.
You need to work on not yelling out when you are trying to learn new move because it makes Nash angry and unhappy

Pasiano's Maths learing story T R M 3

Pasiano’s Maths Learning Story Term 3

Everything you do in the future will include math

The problem
Kahlisha wants to know how much milk is in this container to see if she’s drinking the right amount of milk each day for a child her age.

What is the volume of this container?




Explain how you know this.

10cm x 4cm x 2cm = 80cm
10 cm(height) x 2 cm(length) x 4cm (width)

This problem is about Kalisha wanting to know how much liquid of milk is in each carton and making sure it’s enough for each day for her age

First we were trying to find out how much milk cartons they could carry.

Then we went 125 + 125 = 250 = 4c Then we did the same with 250 + 250 = 500 which makes 0.5kg because we thought of doing a additive strategy to help us see how much times we could + it.

After that we did 4 x 8 which = 32
And then we did 4 x 30 which = 120
And then so we + that together 32 + 120 and it was = 152

We chose to do this so we can find out how much the box weighed because we wanted to know what we were doing.

I am good at friendly arguing  because when I am talking to my group we are disagreeing and agreeing on each others opinions.

I am getting better at taking a risk because I can share my ideas to the class and I can help people when they are stuck and also I can work with others

I feel nervous when I share back sometimes because when everyone stares at me I always get butterflies and it also make me feel anxious.

I find it hard to repeat other people because sometimes I talk to my friends when I’m suppose to be listening and paying attention

I need to work on making connections because when I have the same ideas as someone else I always think, I should share my gold.

The key competency I use well in maths is managing self because I am always making sense when I am sharing back my gold

The key competency  need to work on is thinking because I need to learn new ideas and not say that ones that don't make sense.

Isabel said: Pasiano is good at including others when he is doing maths because when other people come he ask them if they wanna join.
Pasiano needs to work on repeating what other people say, because when he is talking other people say something and everyone else has to tell him (which is kind of annoying
cause it's his own bit.)

Pasiano's Dance L S T3

 Pasiano’s Dance Learning Story     Term 3

 “Practise like you’ve never won, perform like you’ve never lost”. 
In dance practice I danced as if I was on the actual stage, although I made mistakes, I practiced over and over again to change whatever mistakes I made. I tried to be sassy, going for gold I did everything in my power to make my character on stage look, wow!

I enjoyed the fact that one of the dance moves came from Fortnite  it’s called the flapper-it’s cool. What we wear and what we do suits the dance because of the colour of the suspenders we wear.

In dance I was good at doing sharp bouncy actions because I learned from all the practises that we have gone through .
I got better at  smiling because I was shy to perform in front of the audience, but now I just go for gold.

I felt proud of myself because I don't really like dancing in public, I get pretty nervous when it comes to dancing in front of heaps of people because I worry too much that I might make a mistake, but at the end of the day everybody makes mistakes.
Something that was hard for me was being nervous because in my head I was imagining what could go wrong with my actions.

The key competency I was good at was participating and contributing because I have been to all the practises. I was always involved in all our practices and in the end I knew I gave it my best. dance link

Zion’s feedback: I noticed Pasiano was good at adding his own moves and flair because he knew it well. I noticed Pasiano needed to work on keeping calm because he gets hyped a lot

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Pasiano's Own Report

Pasiano’s Own Report
Something I was good at this year was working well with others because in a group I share my clever thinking and I take risks by friendly arguing.
This year I participated in many sports like basketball and flag. Something I was good at in flag was passing and sharing the ball.

I am a successful learner because I share my clever ideas and take a risk.
A goal that I achieved this year was being able to work well with others. I achieved it by taking a risk because to be honest. I only like to work with my friends.

I help my class be a fun and safe place by working well with them and sharing my ideas with them.
I learn well in a group because I communicate well.
I need to stop getting distracted  and get on with my work because it will make it easier in college.
The school job I have handled this year is giving out the lunches and  taking the lunchbox back. And I do my job well.
The key competency I need to work on is managing self towards my work because it would help at college. I think I will do this by not sitting near my friends and not getting distracted.
The learning I like to do most at school is inquiry because you discuss and plan about what your passion is
The learning I find hard is maths because sometimes I give up and I get distracted.Next year I need to work on focusing on my work because I could change for college.

Sunday 18 November 2018

Pasiano's Legacy statement

  2018 my last year at Corinna School after 8 years of laughter, memories, and on and off times.
    I would like to be remembered as a young sporty, fit  13 year old. 
     I will never forget all my friends because they have   supported me throughout my years at Corinna School.
    I want to be remembered  as a person who teaches  other kids my sporty skills and a person who was good at hosting games at lunchtime.
    I’ll always remember those funny times, like when Stigi tripped me up. To be honest I actually deserved that because I was acting cool in front of the boys!

    I would like to thank all my friends and teachers because they have supported me throughout my years of learning new stuff.
    A challenging time would be when we used to do those tests  because I would just give up easily.

     If it wasn't for the support at Corinna School, my family and my friends I wouldn’t be where I am today.  There's a Samoan saying that goes ‘Uso aso uma!’ That's what I think of my friends here at Corinna.