Tuesday 3 April 2018

Maths learning story

Math: the only place where you  have to figure out the ratio of yellow candy to blue candy when all you´re thinking about is eating

Maths Learning Story

Room 12 needs to buy furniture to meet their learning needs. Unfortunately, there is not much money left in the furniture budget, so they need to look for the best possible deal, so they can furnish our classrooms.

Furnware is offering 35% off all tables. The tables they want are usually worth $360. What is the sale price?
Office Max is selling the same tables at 45% off the total price. The tables we want are usually worth $420. What is the sale price?
Who should they buy their tables from? What is the saving, so they can justify their decision with Ms Whiting?

This problem is all about Room 12 needs to buy furniture to meet their learning needs. But there's not enough money in the furniture budget
 So they need to look for the best deal so they can furnish our classrooms.

 I was trying to find out what 35% of $360=?

First I did 10% of $360 is $36

The I did 5% of $360 is $18

So $360-$126=234

I knew that finding 10% was useful.
I had to multiply 10% times 3. My next step is to get better at multiplying percentages.

How I work in a maths group
In maths group I'm good at listening to others ideas.  And I'm good at repeating others clever ideas.

In maths I got better at asking for help and something else I got better at was asking questions to find out what the problem was about and questions like “Why did you do that?”

In maths I need to work on having a turn at writing ideas down because then my group can use my ideas too.

Prestigious’s feedback
You are good at taking risk by sharing your ideas to help our group.

You need to work on staying foccused on the problem and stay on task because you always talk about fortnite.

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