Sunday 2 July 2017

poly club learning story

I am good at learning new actions because nash teaches me and the boy’s that are a part of poly club new actions.

I'm good at focusing on Nash when he is teaching us actions to learn. I can self manage because in poly I see the year 8’s self managing so I want to be like them and self manage.

I got better at self self managing because the year 8’s showed me a way where  I won't get into trouble. It is hard to ignore people when they are talking to me because it makes me want to talk back to them but I will try my hardest not to talk to them.

I feel proud of myself when I notice that I've been self managing and being focused because I don't have to get a single solve it from a teacher.

My next steps are to ignore people that will try and talk to me my other next step is to stop laughing when a person is being silly because I need to step up and be a role model. I will achieve my next steps by ignoring the people or a person that will distract me or try and talk to me or give them a solve it. I will achieve my other next step by thinking in my head if I laugh to the person that is trying to make me laugh I will get into trouble for laughing.

I used the key competency of self managing and staying focused as a learning power because I wanted to stay in poly club and not get sent out for misbehaving. I needed to use the key competency of relating to others as a learning power because our performance will be really good. My friend Touteo think I'm good at self managing and ignoring because he sometimes tells me that I'm good at self managing and good at ignoring.

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