Thursday 17 May 2018

Art Leaning Story

Art Learning Story
How do we communicate important information and ideas about our identity using surrealist art ?
Success Criteria
Put something about the person inside or near their portrait
Use unusual colours for the facial features
Create an optical illusion. It looks real but its not
Mix up things and blended them eg the features
Make things  look like something they are not
Include lots of detail
Make look realistic
Make part of a person a thing that represents something important
Make the art is like a dream.

In art we been learning what surrealist art is.
We have been creating self portraits that share information about ourselves.

The thing I was focused on was how to draw light lines and shading and using bold colours.

My portrait tells a story because it gives us information about my identity.

At Pataka they showed us examples of portraits and I was able to use it on my own like the shading.

My next steps is to take a risk and add more detail to my self portrait.

Tevin’s  Feedback
Pasiano was good at shading  because it looks realistic like Jillian's one.                           
Pasiano needs to work on to add more detail to it. because  there is only a cross and turtle.

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