Monday 26 June 2017

My self as a learner

Pasiano’s Myself as a learner: Term 1 learning story

A learning story tells other people about our learning.

Purpose: In term 1 we have been learning how to use our group norms and key competencies to be the best learners we can be, and to work together as a whanau to help each other succeed.

I take responsibility for my own learning by sharing my ideas because this means I’m taking a risk and working towards solving the problem. I  make sure I’m  not being a passenger. I also ask questions because it helps me to be in the right  track.

An example in maths is when I take  risks by sharing my ideas and my  answers with the group even when I thought my answer was wrong because I know Ms Ashlee or my Group will help me.

An example in literacy is when Jaleus wanted to read our journal but  instead I asked Jaleus if I could read it.An example of when I take responsibility of my learning in PE is when  I participate in groups and the game’s. I do this by joining in games by asking and by sharing thing’s while playing, if I have something or if I don't get it I’ll ask for help so I can understand.

I take responsibility for my group by asking questions and making sure we all know what to do. We make sure that there are no passengers and also make sure we solve the problem together.

An example in maths is when I participated by helping everyone in my group and listening so we have a understanding of the meaning of the questions. I help others when they don't understand what we are talking about in our group. I make sure that there are no passengers in  our maths groups by asking them questions. We share our ideas about how to solve the problem. We also ask questions about what we might do and how,  we make sure that we all are taking a risk and be brave. Sometime’s  my  maths is very hard, but I just take a risk.

An example in PE is when Ms Ashlee taught us a new bean bag game I didn't really understand the rules so I put my hand up and asked questions like ¨How do you score points¨ and ¨Can we throw the bean bags?

Next steps:
To improve in my learning, my goals for this year are: (copy and paste your learning goals here)

My goals
My success criteria
I will know I have achieved my goal when I can….
Key Competency goal:
The key competency I want to become an expert in is relating to others and thinking before I speak because I upset people and make them angry sometimes.
Using kind words controlling my mouth when I speak and controlling my hands.
Literacy goal:
In reading/writing/oral language I want to be able to write and edit my work properly because I want to improve my learning.
Make sure I edit my work properly.

My writing would have full stops in the right place and capital letters in the right place.
Numeracy goal:
In maths I want to be able to take risks and share my good ideas because I don't do that often.
Speaking clearly so that they can hear me.

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